The current estimated population in Walton County is 80,069 and in 2020, the Census showed 75,305. The 2000 Census revealed a population of 40,601, and in 1990 it was 27,760. The current population is 51% male and 49% female. The median age of the population in the county is 40.53, compared to the US median age which was 36.1. The population density in the area is 72.5 people per square mile.
There are currently 30,182 households in Walton County. The Census revealed household counts of 16,548 in 2000 up from 11,294 in 1990. For the current year, the average household size is 2.32 persons. In 2003, the median number of years in residence in Walton County’s population is 2.38. The average household size in this geography was 2.32 people and the average family size was 2.79 people. The average number of vehicles per household was 1.74
The current median household income is $68,111. The Census revealed median household incomes of $32,682 in 2000 and $21, 349 in 1990. In 2021, the per capita income was $38,777, compared to the US per capita, which was $23,201. The 2003 average household income was $47,116, compared to the US average which was $60,000.
The median housing value in Walton County was $274,500 in 2020; compare this to the US median of $49,701 in 1990. The 2000 Census median housing value was $77,351, which is a 55.6% change from 1990. In 1990 there were 8,850 owner occupied housing units vs. 16,548 in 2000. Also in 1990, there were 2,444 renter occupied housing units vs. 3,473 in 2000. The 2005 median appraisal of single family dwelling in Walton County is $294, 530 (Walton County Property Appraiser Office)
There are currently 40,334 people over the age of 16. Of these 53.18% were employed, 2.35% were unemployed, 44.22% were not in the labor force and 0.26% were in the armed forces. In 1990, unemployment was 3.82% and in 2000 it was 2.39%. Currently, 50.28% of employees were employed in white-collar occupations and 25.64% were employed in blue-collar occupations. In 2000, white-collar workers made up 49.78% of the population, and those employed in blue collar occupations make up 50.22%. The average time traveled to work is 31 minutes and in 2000 it was 23 minutes.
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